In the first two and a half years of this government, the common refrain was that reform has been incremental rather than radical. That perception has been punctured by two big-bang measures. The GST, which was a reform in the… Read more
GST effect: exemptions likely to be pruned
While the introduction of Goods and Service Tax (GST) law would be at the top of the priority list of the government, the time lag before implementation of GST provides an opportunity to align the current tax system to the… Read more
GST’s impact on the ordinary consumer
The ambitious goods and services tax (GST) may be a reality soon. GST will de-shackle India of its complex indirect tax structure and enable a single unified indirect tax structure subsuming majority of the indirect taxes in India, which will… Read more
What GST brings with it?
GST is a destination-based tax that will replace the current Central taxes and duties such as Excise Duty, Service Tax, Counter Vailing Duty (CVD), Special Additional Duty of Customs (SAD), central charges and cesses and local state taxes, i.e., Value… Read more
GST will end cascading of taxes, may reduce overall prices: Hasmukh Adhia
The overall incidence of tax will be reduced with multiple existing levies, such as excise duty, central sales tax, entry tax, value added tax (VAT), and service tax being subsumed into single rate GST. The country’s biggest tax reform Goods… Read more
Timing the market or time spent in the market?
For years investors have tried to time the market with little or no success. Here’s our analysis on why timing the market is flawed model. According to the data from the Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI), the… Read more
Should you invest in a active or passive fund?
ByJuzer Gabajiwala Nowadays we see a lot of experts and investors debating on whether it is more beneficial to invest in active or passive funds. Before getting into the debate, here is some information, which will help us come to… Read more
How to benefit from investments in tax saving mutual funds
Equity linked savings schemes (ELSS) are simple diversified equity mutual fund schemes. The only difference is that, since they offer a tax break for the investor, they entail a lock-in period of three years. Typically, ELSS funds have tended to outperform… Read more
Mutual fund schemes’ mergers and their tax impact on investors
There are different tax implications for various actions that are undertaken by an investor but often the situation can become complicated. The same action undertaken by different entities could result in a different tax outcome and one has to be… Read more
Income from MF investments must be shown in income tax returns
One of the concerns of investors in various instruments including mutual funds is the tax impact of their process of investing and how this needs to be disclosed. There is more worry when they find that there is no space… Read more