Investing is Simple. Do not confuse it for being easy. It is like going for a morning walk. Or going on a diet. Simple to describe, not EASY to do. If you are a young kid smart enough and more… Read more
Industry analysis or Fundamental analysis?
These days so much is being wriintten about investing, that the average 30 year old knows far, far more than what I knew as a 30 year oldm. No doubt about that. I start my Fundamental Analysis class by asking… Read more
In defence of the bank employee and the psu employee
Every bank – psu or private – has 2 sets of employees – one in the branches and one in the HO. The employees in the branches are client facing, have targets, and very rigorous work schedule. The employees in… Read more
Doctors Financial Mistakes…
The more doctors that I meet and talk about money, the more I am convinced that there is a nice pattern in doctors financial mistakes. This is across age groups and geographies. Let me enumerate: Paid too much for education:… Read more
Where to invest now?
Seriously I do not have an answer to that. I never had. I am not convinced that you NEED TO INVEST NOW. Having said that if you are doing an SIP it is time to keep investing – there is… Read more
Advantages of being wealthy
What is the main advantage of being wealthy? Simple. Some of your ancestors have understood the role of ‘n’ in the compounding formula. They also know the virtues of sitting tight in one place and not affecting the compounding process…. Read more
Must you book profits? at all?
I receive so much of advice these days on my inbox, that I would die if I read them all. So sorry I stick to a few people whom I can talk with, and reports I ignore. I do read… Read more
Workshop on Goal Based Investing…
Our book on ‘You Too Can be Rich – with Goal Based Investing’ is not just a book. It is a work book. It has worksheets and calculators…and so Conducting a workshop on ‘Goal Based Investing’ When: 19 May, 2017… Read more
How people lose money!
Long ago a relative of mine came up to me and asked ‘how can this company pay 22% p.a. interest’? and I burst out laughing saying “only fools and idiots will invest in these schemes”. He turned red. He had… Read more
Who is a value investor?
What are the characteristics of a Value Investor? Or what are the characteristics of a V. I. that I have seen? has a huge appetite to sit on cash for long time has a good understanding of risk hates leverage… Read more