Some of my learning from investing: If your family is not risk oriented / risk understanding it is difficult for you to invest / trade in equities. Investing maybe a part time activity, but equity trading is a full time… Read more
Equity is a long term vehicle
Many people (sadly including CIOs of mutual funds and life insurance companies) think that 2-3 year schemes in equity makes sense. Hence a rash of close ended mutual fund schemes, and almost none doing well – except by a timing… Read more
Market is simple to understand
The equity markets are simple to understand except if you try to use too much intelligence. The markets (internationally) is driven by various factors – macro and micro. The 3 important factors that one speaks of while talking market valuation… Read more
How Investors lose money?
One very important reason for people to lose money in the stock market is SELLING WHEN YOU ARE FORCED TO, NOT WHEN YOU CAN. Let us see what went wrong with one of the portfolios that I used to know…. Read more
No taxation on switching of EPF to NPS: PFRDA
PFRDA has clarified that the subscribers of EPF will not be taxed if they switch to NPS. In a circular, PFRDA said, “The amount so transferred from recognized provident fund to NPS is not treated as income for current year… Read more
‘If the initial journey is smooth, investors will stick to equity funds for long’
Kavitha Menon shares how she helped her client who was in a debt trap while Praveen Chhajed brought a conservative client into equity investing even though he had suffered losses in the past. Kavitha Menon, Mumbai based RIA One of… Read more
Bridging the gap between dreamers and planners
A recent survey by Aviva Life insurance company called “Plan India Plan 2017” has observed that Indians are big dreamers but when it comes to financial planning they lag behind by a distance. This wide gap exists despite various efforts… Read more
Being Humble as an investor is USEFUL
When you invest in the markets there is one solid reason to be humble. At least you are not driven to suicide when you get things wrong. At all points in time you have errors of omission and errors of… Read more
What is inflation Risk?
I have referred to investment risk very many times in the past. This is a really scary risk in the Indian context NOW, as the inflation rates are sky rocketing. What exactly is Inflation risk? Inflation risk is the danger… Read more
India is not inexpensive!
For all those people who think that doing business in India is worthwhile because we are an inexpensive destination, please think again. Let us go to the basics of Economics: there are 4 factors of production needed for an enterprise… Read more