Section 71- Issue of Debentures Under Companies Act, 2013 The only section pertaining to the issue of debentures is section 71 (read with Rule 18 of Companies Share Capital and Debentures Rules,2014). I would like to share the some of important… Read more
‘Endowment plans are not bad’
lot is heard and read about surrender of endowment plans in the media. No doubt term cover is one of the cheapest ways to protect the family for income replacement, but that is not the only thing that protects the… Read more
7 Principles of long term investing
1)Focus on the total real return In an effort to reduce risk, many people over-invest in fixed-income securities, which are highly exposed to inflation risk since they do not have the same potential for capital appreciation as equities. We recommend… Read more
Does goal based investing help achieve better outcome?
Does goal based investing help achieve better outcome? A white paper published by Investment Management Consultant, a US based advisory firm, shows that goal-based investing helps the investor to become more familiar with the financial markets and limitations of the… Read more
Advantages of foreign direct investment
1. Economic Development Stimulation. Foreign direct investment can stimulate the target country’s economic development, creating a more conducive environment for you as the investor and benefits for the local industry. 2. Easy International Trade. Commonly, a country has its own… Read more
Investment Avenues
Various Avenues and Investments Alternative Different avenues and alternatives of investment include share market, debentures or bonds, money market instruments, mutual funds, life insurance, real estate, precious objects, derivatives, non-marketable securities. All are differentiated based on their different features in… Read more
Think beyond referrals
No matter how big or small your business is advisors are always on a lookout for more clients. While many advisors depend on referrals for business expansion, a few have found new avenues to promote themselves as financial advisors. The… Read more
How I use WhatsApp as a marketing tool
Marketing via WhatsApp can be an effective way to connect with your prospective clients and promote your business. WhatsApp has some unique features, which makes it an ideal for marketing tool for advisory business. You can grab instant attention You… Read more
‘Create a community of people who have had good experience with MFs’
Today, every industry wants to leverage digital media to grow business. And the mutual fund industry is no different. So to understand how digital media is shaping investors’ choices, Cafemutual had invited Karl Gomes, Chief Fanatic at Fanatics, to speak… Read more
Should an advisor hire another advisor to manage his own finances?
Though the concept is alien in India, the practice is catching up globally. Just as surgeons can’t operate on themselves, financial advisors would do well to engage their peers to ‘cure’ their finances. One might think what’s the point hiring… Read more