Continuing his new series of articles on equity investing, Mr. Bond draws an interesting observation from patters in 10 yr Sensex rolling returns and equity performance thereafter. In 98% of cases where the 10yr Sensex rolling return was less than… Read more
Trail commissions are anti-investor
Trail commissions are anti-investor: that’s the conclusion that the Canadian regulator (CSA) has reached in its recent discussion paper where it calls for eliminating embedded commissions in mutual funds, to be substituted by a fee based model. CSA has made… Read more
Smart strategies to reduce tax on salary income
Income from salaries is perhaps the most common form of income. Most people hold down jobs and earn monthly salaries. Salary income is by nature the most transparent and simple income sources, which therefore lends itself to very little tax… Read more
Have You Looked Into Working From Home?
Sameer Malik from New Delhi, never thought about trying to make a living on the internet, until he read about making money online and filled out a simple online form. In a very short time, he realized he had stumbled… Read more
RBI looks forward to juggling exchange rate and liquidity
Latest data from RBI shows that the central bank has an outstanding forward position of $10.38 billion Dealing with an unprecedented liquidity surplus for a longer period of time is tricky, especially when it impinges on foreign exchange interventions. But… Read more
What makes a fund manager quit his job?
Some fund managers end up setting up their own portfolio management service after leaving the mutual fund industry. We look at why they may be doing it When Rs19 trillion money is at stake, what goes inside your fund manager’s… Read more
Equity Markets give good average returns!
There are so many people today masquerading as financial planners, financial trainers, financial experts on media…I was amused when I heard the statement ‘Equity markets give good average returns’. If you ask me this is brilliant but useless advice! Why?… Read more
Running and Investing
Is there any similarity between running and investing…well a few for sure. Investing is normally for a long term – as is running. The shorter form is called trading and among runners it is called sprinting. So when a runner… Read more
What to do in equity markets, NOW?
So here we are on 17th June, 2013….wondering what to do in the markets? Well, well God yesterday was father’s day, help me God!! So, what’s a stock market investor’s best response to dropping stock prices? First, forget about rationalizing… Read more
Mistakes Traders Make!
Let me make it very clear, I love traders! They contributed to our profits when we were brokers. And traders would have trader friends, which meant they would get us more and more clients. Sadly Indian markets do not have… Read more