Most investors have a basic understanding of what it means to be conservative. But what are conservative mutual funds and how do they invest? Who should invest in conservative mutual funds? Conservative Mutual Funds Definition Mutual funds that are conservative… Read more
5 tips for effective communication with clients
5 tips for effective communication with clients Effective communication skills are critical for success for IFAs. Nishant Patnaik While communication skills are essential for success in all professions and walks of life, it can make a big difference to the… Read more
3 Simple Ways to Invest With Mutual Funds
Other than an affectionate gesture or the rock band, KISS probably makes you think of the power of simplicity. The saying, “Keep It Simple Stupid” forms the acronym and simplicity is among the greatest attributes of mutual funds, as well… Read more
Easy and Profitable Rules for Investing With Mutual Funds
Believe it or not, the most profitable investment styles and strategies are not complex. The most successful of investors have similar habits and philosophies about investing. All of the top qualities of successful investorsare embodied in these easy and profitable… Read more
success mantras to grow your business
success mantras to grow your business1 Here are five success mantras of successful financial advisors. Banali Banerjee Let us face it. Working on your own, there is only so much you can do and hence you limit your growth. But… Read more
How to analyze mutual fund performance
Past performance of a mutual fund may not be a guarantee of future results but if you know how to analyze fund performance–if you know what to look for and what to avoid–you can make better investment decisions, which can… Read more
How to choose the best mutual fund(7tips)
The two greatest strengths of mutual funds are their accessibility and simplicity: Almost anyone can buy them and they are easy to understand. If you want to choose the best mutual funds, there are only a handful of basic things… Read more
5 tips to grow your business
5 tips to grow your business Here are five tips to grow your business faster and stay ahead in the race. Banali Banerjee Adopt technology Financial advisors who have adopted technology are growing their practices at a faster rate. According… Read more
Are You Paying Too Much for Your Mutual Funds?
When you buy a mutual fund, the fund is buying and selling the underlying investments for you, and they charge an ongoing fee to do this. This fee is called an expense ratio. Expense ratios are stated in terms of… Read more
How to make effective client presentations
How to make effective client presentations Here are a few useful tips on how to make an effective presentation to acquire new clients. Ever stumbled while making an important presentation? Relax, you are not the only one! Sometimes, even experts… Read more