A debt elimination plan is easy to set up. It may be more difficult to follow. It takes commitment to become debt free, but being debt free will allow you to build wealth. It allows you to take control of… Read more
How To Stop Going Into Debt Each Month
If you are using your credit cards each month, and not paying off the balance in full, then you are going further into debt each month. This is a bad situation to be in, because you are making your financial… Read more
Learn How to Fix Financial Problems and Mistakes
There are a wide variety of financial problems that people face. For many people financial trouble begins when you have a hard time with budgeting, but there may be additional issues that lead to serious financial problems. If you want… Read more
How does inflation affect financial planning ?
How does inflation affect financial planning ? If you have to make your money work hard for you, your PORTFOLIO has to give you REAL returns. REAL returns means the returns that you get AFTER TAXES AND after reducing inflation…. Read more
Basic Budgeting Tips Everyone Should Know
Budgeting lies at the foundation of every financial plan. It doesn’t matter if you’re living paycheck to paycheck or earning six-figures a year, you need to know where your money is going if you want to have a handle on… Read more
What If You Can’t Pay the Taxes You Owe?
You have just finished preparing your tax return and notice that you owe Uncle Sam a hefty sum, but you can’t afford to pay it. Are you going to jail? Probably not. The realization that you can’t afford to pay… Read more
Who is selling life insurance?
The life insurance business is one of the MOST lucrative in the financial services industry – MORE profitable than banking. Look at big fortunes made in this industry – it has helped companies fund very large successful companies. In India… Read more
10 most important things to see before you buy life insurance: SBI ad
10 most important things to see before you buy life insurance: SBI ad SBI life insurance has come out with an ad which says – here is a list of 10 most important things that you should see before you… Read more
Documentation mistake in life insurance
Documentation mistake in life insurance Don’t take this risk with insurance – the mistake of nominating wrongly! Most people name their beneficiaries when they buy the policy, and then never give the subject another thought. That could be a mistake…. Read more
what can IRDA do?
What can IRDA do? Too many times we have screamed that the BFSI space is customer unfriendly….let us see what we can do about it. More importantly, what the IRDA should do: 1. They should be allowed to sell ULIP… Read more