Thanks to my historic interest in equities, I have some strong views on equity…like the following: a. a small broker cannot make money in broking alone b. a big broker can make money by MONEY lending to traders c. equity… Read more
Why India’s poor need a vibrant stock market?
The market economy cannot do many things. They cannot reach education to the poor. They cannot reach medical care to the poorest. They cannot feed those who cannot buy food. However it can do many things…and if you read this… Read more
Debt instruments will not make you rich…
Debt instruments will not make you rich… All of us must have some debt investments. At least that is what ‘asset allocation’ gurus will make you believe, so well, let us believe it. 1. Debt instrument preserve your money: they… Read more
SGX is bigger than NSE….
If you are in the financial services business or in the Information Technology business, remember competition can come from anywhere. When SGX saw an opportunity in the Nifty futures, they said, lets do it. Now while NSe has to get… Read more
Choice adds stress…
If you have a lot of money and can afford many things, life is great – Economics. If you have a lot of choice, it adds stress – Psychology. Walk into a typical wedding I attend, the range of food… Read more
Dividend yield shares!
So when you are worried about the ‘growth’ shares you should invest in dividend oriented shares or in dividend yield funds. Right? Wrong, well at least partially wrong. If you think you will get rid of your bank fixed deposit… Read more
Signals of a bad advisor
What are the signals of knowing an adviser is good or bad? Sadly even though one can write many points to know who is a good adviser…the need is for spotting the WRONG guy which is more important! If he… Read more
Markets can speak loudly
The Government of India’s cheapest source of funds is of course by cheating the Indian saver. Pay him BELOW the current inflation rate, and all the money will belong to you.. However that alone is not enough, so you sell… Read more
Should I sit on cash?
No people do not ask me this question, they tell me. “I am sure you will agree…during such times one should sit on cash”. I almost wince. I do know that oil is floundering, the US $ is rising. Yes… Read more
Fund Manager Fables….
Fund Managers need stories to sell the fund to the investor. Will they ever, ever say sell equity funds and wait in liquid funds? No. Will they sell equities and wait in cash on your behalf. NO. They cannot and… Read more